

To end all single-use plastic waste

Plastic waste is everyone’s problem. The whole world now has the responsibility of addressing this issue. Plastic waste bans are now becoming a global movement.

In the battle against single-use plastics, plastic straws have become public enemy number one. Many of those plastic straws end up in our oceans, polluting the water and harming sea life. If we don’t act now, by 2050 plastics in the ocean will outweigh the fish.

Our mission is to reduce plastic usage and promote sustainable lifestyles.

At Organizan, we promote a sustainable lifestyle and provide Eco-friendly alternative products started with wheat-stem based straws to supply to the Canberra market and other states in Australia.

Our products are not only made from plants and other eco-friendly materials. Organizan is taking steps towards recycling plastics to help create a more circular economy while also expanding to make a more efficient and effective society.

We never stop looking for creative ways to reduce wasted time, wasted money and wasted energy.


A Life Without Plastic Waste

“In 2017-18, we used some 3.4 million tonnes of plastics in Australia. Just 9.4% – 320,000 tonnes – was recycled. Of that amount, 46% (145,700 tonnes) was reprocessed in Australia and 54% (174,300 tonnes) was exported for reprocessing. With recovery rates so low, that means a valuable resource is going to waste” – according to World Wildlife Fund

We’d been shipping our problems overseas in the past. Now not only China, India, and other regions refused to take our plastic bottles and other recyclable materials.

In the time of the recycling industry crisis. Organizan is either challenging restaurants and bars to switch from their plastic straws to biodegradable or reusable straws. We also provide a line of products in bulk for business owners to replace their plastic straws, while also being able to customize to suit your company’s needs.

In the near future, I hope we can take a step further to single-use plastic and paper plates, boxes and cups alternative by natural leaves such as banana leaves and palm. Extending the life of recycled plastics by creating long-lasting products such as jewellery, home decorations is also one of my passion.

At Organizan, we strongly want to raise awareness of eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products. Moreover, we also offer free exchange your plastic straws to natural wheat straws at restaurants and cafe shops in Canberra and other areas, helping to reduce the usage of single-use plastics. Many stores have already co-operated with us and substituted their plastic straws with our natural ones.

We are challenging restaurants and bars to switch from their plastic straws to biodegradable or reusable straws.

Organizan provides a line of products in bulk for business owners to replace their plastic straws, while also being able to customize to suit your company’s needs.


Now that you know about the damage of single-use plastics cause and the alternative for the plastic wastes. We hope that you think twice before placing your next bulk order for plastic ones. Check out any of the eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastic products, and become a greener business. It will save our planet. Also, you’ll rest knowing that you’re doing your part in making the world a better place to live.